A typical speed session may include the following:
Dynamic flexibility warm-up for improved range of motion
Running form and sprint technique drills
Reaction drills for improved quickness
Ladder and cone agility drills for increased foot-speed and agility
Parachute resistance sprints
Sprint training utilizing elastic resistance for multi-directional speed movements
Evasive agility drills for offensive maneuvering and defensive pursuit
PNF post stretching for increased range of motion and flexibility

A typical strength session may include the following:
Dynamic warm-up including joint specific injury prevention exercises
Olympic lifts and progressions thereof for explosive power development
Plyometric training for first step explosive power and quickness
Eccentric strength training to develop deceleration technique and landing mechanics
Sport functional strength and core training utilizing various methods of resistance including: medicine balls, bosu balls, physio balls, free weight, elastic, and chain resistance
Single leg strength and balance movements for improved athletic performance